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What the Collagen Benefits?



Collagen is a remarkable protein that has long been used to combat the physical signs of ageing, from wrinkles to joint pain. It has become a key ingredient in many anti-ageing products that claim to help rebuild collagen from within. Why it is a important in our daily life?  Below is a list of common health and beauty benefits of collagen supplements:

Most common benefit: Type I collagen

Skin Health: Collagen benefits the skin in several ways. It helps to fortify blood vessels and increases the delivery of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the skin, which stimulates tissue formation and speeds up wound healing. Collagen and elastin are located in the dermal (middle) layer of the skin where they help to plump up cells for smoother, younger looking skin.

Hair growth: The root of each individual hair strand is surrounded by a sheath of collagen, which helps to deliver the nutrients needed for growth and repair.

Nail growth: Nails are made up of proteins that can become brittle without the right supply of nutrients. Collagen supplements may help to make them stronger and more pliable.

Most common benefit: Type II collagen

Joint health: Collagen maintains the fibrous and elastic structure of bones and joints and acts as a shock absorber. Supplementing with collagen may help to slow the deterioration of cartilage over time and keep joints intact and mobile.

Bone mass: Collagen makes up 90% of bone mass. Taking collagen along with other important vitamin and mineral cofactors can help to improve bone metabolism and reduce the risk of bone-related conditions such as osteoporosis and osteomalacia.

Supports strength and endurance performance: Collagen supplements help to maintain and restore protein content in muscles after exercise as well as strengthen connective tissue found in tendons, ligaments, and bones.